It's hard to believe that the house where I was born is still standing.
Meiendaal 173, Rotterdam
The back yard hasn't changed except for the big shed.
Lia, do you still remember this path through the hedges where your picture was taken with my Mom and Dad on their wedding day?
The other house I lived in on Strevelsweg 76 - the second story with the bay window. We ran out of time so we will have more to follow on a future "P" day.
Same place. The houses far in the background are the same.
Same place. The houses far in the background are the same.
I have a picture of me at about age 6 standing in this exact same spot eating an ice cream cone. I couldn't resist recreating that moment.
Here is where the majority of my childhood memories took place - Feyenoord Stadion.
Elder Moore couldn't get away without having his picture taken at the place he has heard so much about since before we were married.
A little Barendregt name-dropping and we were ushered inside for a photo op.
The stadium now holds 100,000 people but is scheduled for demolition so that a bigger, fully enclosed with a roof can be built.
Hand in Hand voor Feyenoord Een.
Then across the road to Varkenoord, the home of the developmental teams. This was Opa's stomping grounds. Notice the boys shooting soccer balls through the holes in the board in the background.
I remember riding on the lawn mower with my grandpa and dad. Many Saturdays and Sundays of my childhood were spent here.
This is the house that was being built for us just before we immigrated to the US. If we had not come this is the house I would have lived in.
I think I would have enjoyed playing in the water at the back of the house.
Feyenoord will always score Number One with me.
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